What I did


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Whether it's fixing bugs, developing features, devops support or getting expert tutoring, we're here to assist you.

Explore Our Services

  • Experience

  • 2022-12 - Present

    Senior Software Engineer

    Web Solution Firm | Dhaka

    # Lead a team by following agile methodology with software engineering best practices. Software architecture design, Data modeling, Database design

    # Lead a team to design and develop a highly scalable Fundraising System in Laravel & Vue with REST API for Mobile App.

    # Lead a team to design and develop a highly scalable Medical Manage System in Laravel.

    # Design & Develop App with REST API for blood donation organization (Badhan) & LMS (Learning Management System)

    # Extending new features & Refactoring in a multi vendor E-commerce built with Laravel & Vue.

  • 2022-11 - Present

    Senior Software Engineer | Part time | Remote

    One Blink Tech | USA

    # Design & Develop Property Management App.

    # Feature developed in a Task Management App.

  • 2020-12 - 2022-11

    Senior Software Engineer

    Binary Fusion | Dhaka

    # Lead a team to design and develop a highly scalable Blood donation App in Laravel with REST API for Mobile.

    # Lead a team to design and develop a highly scalable multi vendor E-commerce website with multiple payment gateway in Laravel with REST API for Mobile.

    # Design & developed visa processing consultation system & rental management system in Laravel & Vue.js

    # Extending new features in many Laravel, Codeignetor, PHP project of Codecanyon.

    # Deploy & Manage projects in VPS with AWS

  • 2020-01 - 2020-11

    Backend Web Developer

    Feeder | Dhaka

    # Collaborate with an agile team to develop features in a scalable SPA (Feedback Management Platform) in Laravel, Vue.js & GraphQL.

    # Implemented Export report in Google Sheet

    # Integrated Slack, Microsoft Team, Clickup

    # Working with global team & cross culture

  • 2018-07 - 2019-12

    Full Stack Developer

    Gain Solutions | Dhaka

    # Developed highly scalable software for Codecanyon Market Place like POS, Inventory, HRM, Booking system in Laravel & Vue.js and Integrated Payment Gateway.

    # Developed Hospital Management System Hotel Booking, E-commerce using PHP with OOP in pure MVC pattern.